White Bird of Paradise Care

Strelitzia nicolai aka White Bird of Paradise
Native to South Africa and not as well known as the Orange Bird of Paradise, Strelitzia nicolai is still royalty in our books. Huge, full leaves make this plant a remarkable, tropical addition to the brightest room in your interior space.

This bird grows tall and strong, so make sure to give it a lot of room!

General Care

​ ​Keep it in the 60 to 85 degree temperature range.​ Like maintenance for most royalty, ​the trick to a stunning S. Nicolai is in the specifics.. Lots of bright light (some direct sun is okay), warmth, and attention to watering are all key in keeping your new Bird strong and healthy.

Well draining soil and an occasional misting help too!


This plant really loves having access to tons of bright light. Being in a room with a southern or western exposure is where your bird will be the happiest. And as long as the leaves are mature, some direct sun every now and then won’t hurt… and it may even encourage blooming!


​Strelitzia Nicolai is not a fan of waterlogged soil, or being left in standing water. Keeping this big bird on the drier side is definitely the way to go! Water when the top layer of soil looks like it’s drying out, or when it’s at 3 on the moisture meter. Remember, Birds of Paradise don’t enjoy water right out of the tap! Distilled water, or tap water that sat out overnight is ideal.

When does it eat?​

S.Nicolai enjoys 2-3 feeds over the course of spring and summer!

Its growth will naturally slow down in the fall-winter so feeding isn’t necessary.

Mildly toxic to people and pets. Stomach and mouth irritation can occur if eaten.

Wipe dust of foliage when needed!
Mist occasionally.
Let it the top layer of soil dry out before watering.

Immediately transplant into a bigger pot once you get it, this plant does best when it’s a little crowded.


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Pet Safe Plants!