Dracaena Marginata aka Dragon Tree

Native to madagascar, the Marginata is by far one of the most rugged and interesting houseplants in the line up. With a variety of forms to choose from, Dracaenas add an instant modern appeal to any room. Marginatas can thrive in low to bright light, and do well with minimal attention.

General care:​ 70-80 degrees is ideal. Happiest in bright light, but will tolerate low light. Keep soil moist during the summer, scale back on watering from fall to late winter. Let the top layer of soil dry out in between waterings. Well draining soil is a plus.

Light: ​Your new dragon tree will be the happiest in bright indirect light, protected from direct sun or cold drafts. The marginata can adjust to low light, but will likely swap it’s red or pink colors for more green.

Water:​ Don’t over do it with watering, Marginatas don’t like wet feet! They’re relatively drought tolerant, so it’s okay to wait until the top layer of soil dries out before watering. If using a moisture meter, water when it reads 2-3. Empty out any excess from the saucer to make sure it’s not sitting in standing water.

When does it eat?​ Dracaenas are generally slow growers. One slow release feed during the summer is ideal, no feed is necessary during the winter.

-Water with tap water that has sat out overnight, if possible!
-Wait for the top layer of soil to dry out before watering!
-Give it tons of bright light.. Bright light will make the red and pink colors stronger. -Be patient, marginatas grow slowly. Great things take time!

-Over fertilize! This can burn foliage.
-Place in direct sun. Direct sun can damage foliage as well. -Overwater.. Marginatas are not a fan of consistently wet soil.


Dracaena Steudneri ‘Moonlight”


Ficus Lyrata aka Fiddle Leaf Fig