Dracaena Steudneri ‘Moonlight”

“Dracaena Steudneri ‘Moonlight”

This variety of Dracaena is known best for its hardy nature and it's beautiful green, lime green and pastel yellow tri-color variegation. With it’s bamboo-like stems, wavy foliage, and ease of care makes Dracaena ‘Moonlight’ a perfect addition to any room… and for any plant parent! One delivery for us, one giant leap for plantkind.   

General care: Very low maintenance, 75-85 degree temps. 


Bright light is ideal for this species of Dracaena. Plenty of light will help it keep up the beautiful variegation. However, the ‘Moonlight’ dracaena will adapt just fine to lower light conditions, and will over time go from variegated to mostly green, if in a shadier spot.  

Water: Be sure to give this cordyline some time on the dry side, but not too much! The ‘Moonlight’ benefits from brief periods of dry soil, so you can stand to give it some time in between waterings. If leaves begin to droop or yellow, more frequent watering may be needed. If using a moisture meter, keep within the 3-5 range. 

When does it eat? A one time half dose application of slow release plant feed during the growing season should be ideal. Too much plant food can burn the leaf tips!

Toxicity: Dracaena varieties are toxic to both dogs and cats. 


-Wipe leaves off occasionally!

-Pull off yellowing or dried out foliage when necessary.


-Overwater, or leave it in standing water.

-Place in full sun


Calathea 'Pinstripe' Ornata


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