Calathea 'Pinstripe' Ornata

Calathea 'Pinstripe' Ornata

Calathea are known best for giving every indoor space a touch of bold colorful foliage. The ‘Pinstripe’ variety is no exception. This Calathea has a sleek leaf shape, and a more subdued color contrast of pink, dark green, and purple… Making it perfect for all you minimalists out there looking for a little splash of color to add to your plant collection. Calathea are on the more intermediate in terms plant care, but with the right know-how we’re sure you’ll love them just as much as we do!

General care:  Keep temps between 65-85. Calathea are not fans of sudden temperature changes or drafts. Occasional leaf maintenance required: removing yellowing/spent leaves, wiping foliage off. Attentive watering is also required. 

Light: Calathea is not suited for life in low light, and will not adjust to conditions without sufficient light. Bright light is ideal and will help them keep their colors bright and impressive. Keep out of full sun.

Water: This houseplant while absolutely stunning, does require a little more attention with watering. The Calathea species prefers not to dry out completely between waterings, and benefits from having the soil stay relatively moist most of the time. Only let the top layer of soil dry out at most. In addition, you may see some browning or yellowing in your Calatheas foliage if you water directly from the tap. These plants are sensitive to most additives found in drinking water. To avoid browning, allow water for your Calathea to sit out overnight to allow for additives to dissolve prior to watering. If using a moisture meter keep between 4-6.

When does it eat? Regular plant food once a month during the growing season. 

Toxicity: Most calatheas are nontoxic to dogs and cats.


-Let water sit out overnight prior to watering!

-Place in bright light!

-Clean/Trim foliage occasionally.


-Place in low light

-Put a Calathea near a draft or in a room with frequent temperature fluctuations. 

-Water with H20 directly from the tap.


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