Philodendron Heartleaf

Philodendron Heartleaf

The Heartleaf philodendron has won the hearts of every level of plant parent since, well, as long as houseplants have been around! This super easy, low maintenance viner, is the perfect plant for anyone looking to add some lushness into their indoor space. Caring for this one is a walk in the park, as it generally can tolerate a variety of conditions with much ease.

General care: Low maintenance. Pull away spent foliage occasionally. 65-80 degree temps.

Light: Anywhere from low to bright light is ideal. No direct sun!


Water: The heartleaf philodendron is incredibly forgiving when it comes to being watered. Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil dry out. Spent browning leaves could mean it’s not getting enough water. If using a moisture meter, this philodendron will tolerate anywhere within the 2-6 range.

When does it eat? Once a month with your choice of plant food during the growing season!

Toxicity: Philodendrons are toxic to dogs and cats.


-Pull away and clean off spent, browning foliage!

-Plant in a cool pot in a macrame hanger!


-Place in full sun! Leaves will burn.


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