Sansevieria ‘Snake Plant’

Sansevierias can thrive pretty much anywhere. The snake plant doesn’t need too much hands on attention, and can adjust to just about any lighting. Low maintenance, modern upright habit, and flexibility make this a Plants Delivered fan favorite.

General care:​ Very low maintenance, keep leaves dry, 60-85 degree temps are ideal.

Light:​ Low light, or full sun.. Sansevierias can adjust to pretty much any light situation! Making them a great plant for any interior room.

Water:​ Less is more. Be sure to let the soil dry out in between waterings during the summer. During the winter dial way back.. watering once a month is ideal. The roots on a sansevieria can rot easily if overwatered. Definitely feels at home it in the dry range on the moisture meter!

When does it eat?​ Once or twice during the summer is ideal, but not necessary.

Toxicity:​ Toxic to pets and people if ingested. Will likely cause mouth and stomach irritation, vomiting may occur.

-Keep leaves dry. -Sit back and enjoy!

-Overwater! Overwatering = root rot.
-Let your snake plant sit in standing water!


Ficus Lyrata aka Fiddle Leaf Fig


Pothos Care