Schefflera Amate/Arboricola Care Guide

Scheffleras are best known as the bushes of the indoor plant world. If you’re looking for something easy to care for that can put the “plenty” in your place, this is it. Whether you go for an Amate or an Arboricola, trim the tips and the foliage will fill and flow into any room in your space.

General care: Temps lower than 60° are a no go for this one, be sure to keep temperatures between 70-80. Try not to place the Scheff by drafts or heating vents, mist on occasion.

Light: Schefflera houseplants prefer bright, indirect light. In the summer, move potted plants outside where they will receive bright light but not direct sun. If your Schefflera plant gets leggy, try placing it in a brighter spot.

Water: Watering once a week should be ideal. Wait until the soil dries out between watering. Cut back on water during winter. Overwatering can root rot and leaf drop.

When does it eat? Feed Schefflera plants twice a week during the growing season with liquid fertilizer. These plants are heavy feeders and will benefit from the extra nutrients.

Toxicity: These plants are mildly toxic to pets and people.

-Mist whenever possible, or place by a humidifier -Feed when possible!
-Prune the tops to encourage bushier growth. Don’t:
-Overwater during the winter
-Place near heating vents or cold drafts


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