Spider Plant Care Guide

Otherwise known as chlorophytum comosum, the spider plant is definitely in our lineup of contenders for anyone’s house plant starter pack. This plant is best known for being sleek, slender and among the easiest of the easy care plants out there.

General care: Very low maintenance. Minimal to average lighting needs. Keep temperatures moderate. Minimal watering needs.

Light: Anywhere from low to bright light will work for spider plants. Lower light will usually mean that your plant won’t grow as full. If you want a fuller look, try moving it to a room with bright light.

Water: Your spider plant enjoys drying out between waterings, so make sure the top of the soil dries out before watering. This also means spider plants don’t mind being a little root bound. If you notice brown tips on the foliage, fill up your watering can and let it sit out overnight before watering again. Sometimes spider plants can react to the buildups of additives found in tap water.

When does it eat? Water with regular plant food at half strength during the spring and summer months. Careful not to overfeed, spider plants can be easily burned by too much fertilizer.

-Allow spider plants to get a little rootbound -Wait for soil to dry out between watering Don’t:
-Place in direct sun
-Over water


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