General Palm Care Guide

We’re pretty sure there are plenty of books out there filled with facts about palms... But in the true spirit of PDC, we’ll bring the facts to you. Lucky for us, most varieties of palms require about the same in terms of care. Fear not, and read on to get your home jungle growing.

Light: Most palms can easily adapt to low light conditions indoors, prefer not to be in direct sun. Anywhere from low light to bright indirect will work out just fine.

Water: Palm plants don’t mind drying out every now and then. Ideally, palm plants prefer it if you water when the top layer of soil dries out during the summer months (their active growing season). And during the winter, they don’t mind drying out completely between waterings.

When does it eat? Palms can be pretty hands off on the food front, and tend to prefer organic foods over chemical fertilizer. If you’re going to feed your palm, aim for the organics and only feed during the spring and summer.

-Let soils dry out between watering
-Feed with real, organic foods like Superthrive or Dr. Earth Don’t:
-Over water or leave palms in standing water
-Place in direct sun


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