Venus Fly Trap

Venus Fly Trap

This is without a doubt one of the more famous plants to have in your collection! We’ve all seen pictures of this carnivorous and been astonished watching it’s trap snap shut on unsuspecting prey. The Venus Flytrap has unfortunately had a reputation of being difficult to care for, but if you follow instructions you shouldn’t have any trouble getting along! 

General care: This plant requires a slightly more intensive care routine. During the growing season maintain moderate temps (65-80). Requires winter dormancy between the months of Nov-Feb, which means you will have to place your VFT in a cooler place for those months to mimic a winter dormancy. It may flower in the Spring, cut off flower stalk to keep your Venus Flytrap from expending too much energy.

Light: The Venus Fly Trap requires full/direct sun in order to thrive. 


Water: This plant is native to coastal bogs, and does not like tap water or bottled water at all! Water with rain water or distilled water only. The build up of minerals and salts in tap, bottled, and filtered water will kill your Venus Flytrap.

When does it eat? This plant does not need fertilizer! It needs food! Feed often. Prefers flies or other bugs of the same size. If the bug that wanders into your Venus Flytrap is too small, it’s trap will not close. Within it’s “mouth” are trigger hairs, which all need to be stimulated within a very short span of time in order for the Venus Flytrap to close. It has this adaptive skill to make sure it’s meal is big enough to keep it full for a good while!

Toxicity: Considered nontoxic to pets.


-Place in full sun/bright light

-Water with rainwater or distilled

-Feed it live bugs!


-Water with tap water

-Place it in a low light room

-Forget to feed!


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