Calathea ‘Rattlesnake’

To set the record straight about Calathea - the care on these eye catching plants is not difficult, but it is definitely specific. We recommend Calathea Rattlesnake for anyone looking to hone in on their plant skills while adding some texture and interest to their plant collection.

General Care

Does not tolerate dryness.

Spray to maintain higher humidity - 60-85 degree temps. 


Calathea Rattlesnake prefers low to medium light.

Make sure to keep this Brazil native away from direct sun, exposing the foliage to direct sun can scorch it’s leaves.

This plant is ideal for offices, and rooms that don’t have access to a ton of light. 


Keep soil moist, not wet or water logged.

Calatheas can not tolerate drying out frequently between waterings.

Water with water that has been left to sit out overnight.

The chlorine and fluoride in tap water can cause slight leaf discoloration.

4-7 range on the moisture meter is ideal.

When Does It Eat?

Feed with an all purpose plant food once a month during the spring and summer months.

Do not feed in the winter months.


Nontoxic to pets.


Wipe dust off leaves occasionally.

Keep temperatures consistent!


Use plant shine products on foliage!

Overwater, or leave it in standing water.

Put it in direct sunlight!


Pothos Care


Maranta Care