Maranta Care

There are not a lot of shade plants that have foliage that can compare to the Prayer Plant.

Whether it’s red or green, the velvety appearance of this Calathea cousin is sure to become a favorite in any houseplant collection.

Ideal for anyone doing remote work, or for anyone who has a little more down time to spend on maintenance! Check out the care info to learn how to make this Brazil native the ideal addition to your home.

General Care

55-85 degree temps, avoid direct sun.

Mist occasionally to supplement humidity.

Keep away from sudden temperature changes and cold drafts.

Prune to encourage new growth.


Marantas cannot tolerate direct sun.

Keeping them in direct sun for too long can cause their leaves to lose their hypnotic color, and may cause leaf burn.

Low to bright light is ideal!


This plant feels right at home in the 4-7 range on the moisture meter.

Remember - moist, not soaked.

Marantas do not like soil that fall on either end of the spectrum.

Too dry or too wet is bad news, so make sure to stay right in the middle.

Water less during the winter months.

When Does It Eat?

Feed once a month throughout the Spring and Summer months with a concentrated liquid plant food that dissolves into water.

Something with chelated nutrients is ideal, but not necessary.

Apply the fertilizer at half the recommended rate to avoid leaf burn.

Example - if the rate on the label is 1tsp of plant food per gallon of water, only use a ½ tsp of plant food per gallon of water.


Nontoxic to people and pets.


Prune occasionally, to encourage new growth - keep leaves dry.


Leave standing water droplets on the foliage.

Put it in direct sunlight!


Calathea ‘Rattlesnake’


ZZ Plant Care Guide